Proper Memorial for Your Four-Footed Family Members in Kendall, FL
At Bethel Pet Hospital, we will provide your pet with the best possible comprehensive physical exam in Kendall. We will review every aspect of your pet’s health from the ears to the tail. Your pet will receive a full preventive care exam because we know how important it is to catch any potential issues as early as possible.
Why Is Cremation the Best Option?
In movies, we all have seen how families dig a hole in their backyard to bury their pets, but in real life, it is not that simple. The truth is that burying your pet is not practical, first of all, because there are regulations that prohibit it, and second because you need to dig at least five feet into the ground, plus you need to make sure that there is no gas or waterline underneath. Apart from that, what happens if you decide to move to another house?
How Does Pet Cremation Work?
- Remains Are Inspected for Metal Objects, Which Are Removed Before Cremation.
- Remains Are Incinerated at Approximately 1800 Degrees (Fahrenheit).
- The Process Takes About Two Hours, but It Varies Depending on the Size of the Animal.
- Large Pieces That Do Not Incinerate, Such as Bones, Are Pulverized Into Dust.
- In the Case of Private Cremations, the Ashes Are Returned to the Pet Parents.

What Is the Difference Between Private and Communal Cremation?
Communal cremations are more affordable, and in these procedures, pets are gently placed in the crematory together. After communal cremations are over, the cremated remains are removed from the chamber and scattered together. On the other hand, with private cremations, cremated remains are returned to the families, but it is a more expensive procedure since just one pet is placed alone in the cremation chamber.